Unite! Erasmus+

The Unite! Communities

In Unite!, the teams that design and implement the different Work Packages are called Unite! Communities. These communities form permanent inter-university expert groups, which extend beyond the Erasmus+ project to become lasting centres of knowledge and content creation within the partnership.

Each Unite! community is made up of several integrated sub-groups that promote collaboration across diverse topics and expertise.The overall coordination of each community is led by one university, which may be supported by other universities.

Find out more about their objectives and tasks by clicking on the communities detailed below:

Unite! Communities (Cm)

Secretariat and Quality Expert Management Team

Cm 2. Digital Campus

Cm 3. Diversity, Inclusion & Wellbeing

Cm 4. Innovative Teaching and Learning

Cm 5. Flexible Educational Offerings

Cm 6. Professional Development & Training

Cm 7. Doctoral Education for Reseach& Innovation and Society

Cm 8. An Open Innovation Community for the Green Transition

Cm 9. Strategic Outreach, Impact and Dissemination

Coordination, Objectives and Tasks

Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDa)

Coordinates the management, governance and quality assurance of the project. The latter is guaranteed by the implementation of quality cycles for the activities of each Cm.

  • T1.1. Cm coordiantion and quality asseurance
  • T1.2. Unite! Dialogues - Planning, organising and executing the main events of the alliance
  • T1.3. Monitoring, risk and financial management of the Erasmus+ project
  • T1.4. Strategic coordination of the activities of the alliance
  • T1.5. Operational Management of the legal entity Unite!
  • T1.6. Supporting implementation of quality cycles for key activities
  • T1.7. Coordinating Quality Management peer-review at alliance level
  • T1.8. Coordinating the agile and dynamic community formation and focus area development in thematic areas, teaching and learning
  • T1.9. Activating and supporting the Unite! student community
  • T1.10. Co-creation within the European Higher Education & Research Area and beyond
Unite! Communities (Cm)

Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDa)

Coordinates the management, governance and quality assurance of the project. The latter is guaranteed by the implementation of quality cycles for the activities of each Cm.

  • T1.1. Cm coordiantion and quality asseurance
  • T1.2. Unite! Dialogues - Planning, organising and executing the main events of the alliance
  • T1.3. Monitoring, risk and financial management of the Erasmus+ project
  • T1.4. Strategic coordination of the activities of the alliance
  • T1.5. Operational Management of the legal entity Unite!
  • T1.6. Supporting implementation of quality cycles for key activities
  • T1.7. Coordinating Quality Management peer-review at alliance level
  • T1.8. Coordinating the agile and dynamic community formation and focus area development in thematic areas, teaching and learning
  • T1.9. Activating and supporting the Unite! student community
  • T1.10. Co-creation within the European Higher Education & Research Area and beyond

Graz University of Technology (TU Graz).

Supporting the coordination: Politecnico Di Torino (PoliTO) & Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC).

Cm 2 acts as a fundamental enabler for the action-centred Cms 4-8, inherently linked through the creation of thematic communities of academics and staff, capacity building through professional training and regional innovation ecosystems.

  • T2.1. Cm coordination and quality assurance
  • T2.2. Requirement analysis
  • T2.3. Providing Learning & Teaching Guidance and Involvement
  • T2.4. Implementation of Metacampus
  • T2.5. Implementing and providing external integration of European Student Card Initiative (ESCI)
  • T2.6. Implementing and providing internal IT integration solutions
  • T2.7. Technical recommendations for the digital campus

Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa).

Supporting the coordination: Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management, University Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble INP-UGA).

Cm 3. Acts as an interlocutor to foster the transversal implementation of inclusion, diversity and well-being in all Cms, and ensures that Unite! offers an environment where everyone feels welcome, is respected and is able to participate.

  • T3.1. Cm coordination and quality assurance
  • T3.2. Develop a Diversity and Inclusion common repository to be used by all partners
  • T3.3. Developing, planning and executing trainings on inclusion, diversity, equity and accessibility
  • T3.4. Designing a Unite! Diversity and Inclusion Certification programme for faculty, staff and students
  • T3.5. Development of a Well-Being Strategic Framework for the Unite! Community
  • T3.6. Designing a Unite! Well-being Guide
  • T3.7. Organizing Well-being Specific Support Programmes
  • T3.8. Developing a Unite! Welcoming Journey strategy
  • T3.9. Preparing Unite! Welcome Kits
  • T3.10. Developing Unite! Student Engagement Joint Events

Aalto University (Aalto).

Supporting the coordination: KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

Cm 4. Functions as a scaffolder for the development of innovative teaching and learning opportunities that are enabled through the wide array of mobilities created by Cm 5. Moreover, is inherently linked through the creation of thematic communities of academics and staff, and capacity building through professional training.

  • T4.1. Cm coordination and quality assurance
  • T4.2. Produce online toolkit to enable development of Unite! Joint Programmes and collaborative educational offerings
  • T4.3. Integrate Multilingualism and Multiculturalism (M&M); developing language offers
  • T4.4. Design and deliver capacity building trainings to boost collaboration on development of joint programmes and collaborative offerings.
  • T4.5. Implement creative virtual teaching and learning spaces
  • T4.6. Produce Unite!-specific support instruments for the implementation of the European Degree
  • T4.7. Scaffold emergence of thematic communities and Engineering and Technology Hubs

KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH).

Supporting the coordination: Aalto University (Aalto).

Cm 5. Empowers Cm 7 to generate a framework of opportunities for joint doctoral education to engage with R&I and society, thanks to the creation of a Unite! Doctoral School framework. Moreover, it is inherently linked through the creation of thematic communities of academics and staff, and capacity building through professional training.

  • T5.1. Cm coordination and quality assurance
  • T5.2. Develop a supporting framework and environment for Unite! Blendedlearning courses and virtual exchange
  • T5.3. Design and deliver Summer Schools and short-term mobility courses
  • T5.4. Develop and execute U! Internships
  • T5.5. Enhance semester credit mobility
  • T5.6. Promote the Unite! Student Identity through U!-Train
  • T5.7. Collect and promote the Unite! Educational offerings

Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management, University Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble INP-UGA).

Supporting the coordination: Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw Tech) & Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa).

Cm 6. Inherently linked through the creation of thematic communities of academics and staff, and capacity building through professional training.

T6.1. Cm coordination and quality assurance

T6.2. Develop a programme for intercultural and multilingual competencies for staff

T6.3. Enable tailor-made mobility for staff

T6.4. Build the Unite! Professional Community Platform by testing socialising activities and preparing a framework

T6.5. Facilitate common trainings for postdocs/young researchers and develop a common guide to support the mobility and career of postdocs, and young researchers

T6.6. Compile a Unite! annual training programme for staff

Politecnico Di Torino (PoliTO).

Supporting the coordination: Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management, University Grenoble Alpes (Grenoble INP-UGA) & Universidade de Lisboa (ULisboa).

Cm 7. Generates a framework of opportunities for joint doctoral education to engage with R&I and society, thanks to the creation of a Unite! Doctoral School framework. Moreover, it is inherently linked through the creation of thematic communities of academics and staff, and capacity building through professional training and extends also into Life Long Learning (LLL).

  • T7.1. Cm coordination and quality assurance
  • T7.2. Identification of common rules & regulations and a shared legal framework on doctoral studies
  • T7.3. Definition and set-up of the governance of the UDS
  • T7.4. Definition and implementation of the UDS PhD programmes in transversal and priority scientific areas
  • T7.5. Definition and implementation of the Industrial Doctorate
  • T7.6. Foster the partnership with the EIT KICs and other stakeholders with interest in doctoral education
  • T7.7. Develop motivational tracks from Master level to PhD.
  • T7.8. Development of the Interface with thematic communities, research infrastructures, start-up- and innovation ecosystems
  • T7.9. Development of funding schemes for the UDS PhD Programme

Wrocław University of Science and Technology (Wroclaw Tech).

Supporting the coordination: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC).

Cm 8. Focuses on developing and piloting green standards in our alliance, networking with the regional innovation ecosystems and playing a privileged role in the green and digital transitions together with Cm 7.

  • T8.1 Cm coordination and quality assurance
  • T8.2 Developing a role model for a green trans-European Campus (standards, green learning outcomes, campus and R&D followed by Unite! internal assessment)
  • T8.3 Preparing and conducting innovative actions for the campuses to become green villages for the innovation ecosystems
  • T8.4 Reinforce the trans-regional open innovative community according to the Smart Specialization Strategy in each Region and steering the green and digital transition towards a regional impact
  • T8.5 Developing LLL programmes (microcredentials) to support the green transition in the extended environment of U! Open Innovation Community

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC).

Supporting the coordination: Technical University of Darmstadt (TUDa).

Cm 9. Is in charge of strategic outreach, impact as well as communication and dissemination of aspects related to all the other Cms, making their outputs visible both within the alliance, and outside.

  • T9.1. Cm coordination and quality assurance
  • T9.2. Overall strategic communication and dissemination
  • T9.3. Branding (identity consolidation and extension)
  • T9.4. Preparing and distributing materials & contents
  • T9.5. Management of channels
  • T9.6. Outreach activities
  • T9.7. Exploitation and impact of results (Making the Most of Unite!)