Unite! Accessibility Statement
Accessibility statement for Unite! online service ( based on the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament.
As a European University Unite! is fully committed to upholding the European core values of human dignity, liberal democracy, rule of law and social inclusion. In full accordance with these values, Unite! is committed to the aims of excellence in learning, teaching and research as well as to an ethical, safe and sustainable use of technology.
With the aim of promoting inclusion and a full and satisfactory use of all digital resources, Unite! hereby declares its commitment to the following objectives:
Accessibility: Unite! strives to maintain a website that is technically accessible with the aim of ensuring equitable access to all types of users. Unite! aims to achieve WCAG 2.1. level AA.
Usability: Unite! strives to maintain a website that is effective, efficient, and satisfying, including aspects that may have a positive impact on user experience.
Diversity: Unite! strives to maintain a website with an adequate representation of the diverse identities and experiences of its users, mirroring the rich diversity found across Europe.
Accessibility status of the service
This website is currently partially compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines version 2.1 AA standard.
According to the evaluating tool used (SiteImprove), it complies with 85% of the requirements, with the following exceptions:
Inaccessible content which we are now working to improve:
There are some empty elements with a role type that are designed to contain other roles. It is an incompatibility with Semantic UI, which the website's frontend is developed with.
SThe numbered lists with two levels of depth are not properly structured; a way of expressing the order of these lists is being used that does not align with standard lists.
Some texts get cut off or overflow their containers when the screen size changes.
The build of the login page does not have a correct header sequence.
Some contents do not have the correct header sequence.
Next steps for improving accessibility
In order to improve the accesibility of the Unite! website and contents, we will periodically revise and update the website by:
-Following the Unite! Guidelines to Produce Accessible Documents and applying it’s recommendations.
-Modifying templates and other multimedia contents.
-Redefining the colour scheme to ensure its visibility.
-Ensuring the inclusion of alternative texts to our pictures.
-Including captions on our videos.
-Ensuring that attached PDFs or other documents are compliant and accessible.
Technical specifications
The Unite! website is developed with the Content Management System (CMS) Plone v 6.0.13 / Volto 18.1.1 / Zope version 5.10 / Python 3.11.8 These technologies allow full compliance with the current accessibility requirements (
Assessment approach
The site is periodically evaluated and assessed externally by UPC's IT service (UPCnet) through a commercial tool that allows the detection of non-compliance contents to correct them: SiteImprove. This tool was purchased to monitor and improve the accessibility requirements of the website, in order to comply with the EU requirements as much as possible.
We are always striving to improve the accessibility of this website. If you experience any problems not listed on this page or think we are not meeting accessibility requirements, please contact:
For example, you can contact us:
-Informing about meeting accessibility requirements
-Transmiting other difficulties when accessing content.
-Formulating any other enquiry or suggestion related to the website's accessibility.
Any natural or legal person can formulate an enquiry regarding accessibility and request information of the contents that might be excluded from the implementation of these regulations.
Suggestions and enquiries are registered according to the standard procedures of public administrations. In the event of desestimating the suggestion or complaint, if you do not agree with the decision or the response doesn't comply with the requirements, you may:
-Learn and oppose the desestimation reasons.
-Urge for the adoption of measures in case you disagree with the adopted decision.
-Expose the reasons why you believe the decision does not comply with the requested requirements.
You can also present a complaint if you have not received a response within 20 days of your inquiry.
Date of Publication: February 21th, 2025
Last update: February 21th, 2025