Promotional image of the student contest with a claim saying "and the winners are...."
26 April 2023

Congratulations to the 7 winners of the student video contest!

It is finally time to announce the winners of the student video contest. Launched by the Multilingual & Multicultural Training Centre (M&M), this contest aimed at showing the cultural diversity that defines Unite!

27 students participated in the student video contest and shared their daily student life with the whole Unite! community. Last week, all videos were uploaded on Unite!'s Metacampus so that all the students from the alliance could vote for their favourite video. Voting is now closed and we count seven winners. The winning videos will be used for pedagogical and dissemination purposes within the alliance and the winning students will be invited to the Unite! Student Festival in Lisbon, from June 29 to July 1st. 

And the winners are…

Congratulations for the great work! We are looking very forward to welcome you in Lisbon!

A huge thank you to all students for their participation and the work they put in as well:

  • Technical University of Darmstadt - Akylzhan Kassymova, Frederik Packwitz
  • Aalto University - Saurav Khadka, Xinyuan Chen
  • Graz University of Technology - Madalina Schimbatori, Michael Schafferer, Zohre Changizi, Lisa-Marie Wagenthaler
  • Grenoble INP graduate school of engineering and management, University Grenoble Alpes - Vivienne Scheer, Louna Harrouz, Coleenda Chetail, Zelliana (Giliane) Ehrhardt
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Elin Carlsson, Lilian Cao, Kipras Pleckaitis, Alex Kaspo
  • Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech - Paula Vidiella Sanchez, Monica Guri Ucero, Ahmad Kamal Khan
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology - Natalia Szpineta