Image of a blackboard and a mannequin with notes and results of product development prototyping

Product development prototyping

12 March 2023

Unite! Blended Intensive Program on Design thinking and product development

Experience the product development process, in theory and practical applications in this Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Program which will combine online learning at your home university and in-campus work at Aalto University Summer School, Design Factory. The application period ends on the 15th of May 2023.

Design Thinking and Product Development is a hands-on bachelor's level course where students learn about innovation and how it is used to solve real-life problems.  This course will teach you how modern technology is used in user-centered prototyping processes. In multidisciplinary teams, the students are expected to create solutions while learning about electronics, laser-cutting, and additive manufacturing. The course includes theory and practice of design thinking and its application in different contexts. 

During the course, students are encouraged to engage in international networking, peer-learning and to develop their transversal skills. The course also encourages learning about the local culture through social events as part of the program.

The course is for 2nd and 3rd year bachelor's students from the 9 Unite! partner universitiesIn addition, this course will also accept other international students from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby, and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim.

The course is aimed mainly at design and engineering students, but other disciplines may be accepted if there is space in the course.

Practical Information

The application period to enrol goes from:
1st of March 2023 until the 15th of May 2023

The course includes three phases: online pre-work and post-work, and one intensive weeks of lectures and project work in teams.
• Preliminary online work: 7th – 11th Aug 2023
  • Online course orientation and lectures
  • Self-paced work (individual research for the team project)
• In-campus work at Aalto: 14th-18th Aug 2023
  • Daily lectures (Monday-Friday)
  • Teamwork Commitment to full-time studies during the intensive week is required
• Post work: 21st-25th Aug 2023 Individual reflection assignments
• Complete teaching period: 7th-25th Aug 2023

Summer at Aalto University

Three students outdoors sunbathing
Summer at Aalto University

Participating in the course Design Thinking and prototyping in the summer gives students an excellent opportunity to enjoy Finland at its best. Visitors can enjoy the surrounding nature in full bloom, take advantage of the countless hours of daylight and experience the vibrant Helsinki city life.