Mariya Gabriel, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, during a press conference
New vision for transnational university collaboration pioneered under European Degree label project
Unite! and five other alliances have secured the European Commission’s support for ED-AFFICHE, their joint proposal to pilot the European Degree label funded by the Erasmus+ programme.
"The European University Alliances are a natural test-bed for the next generation of joint programmes. The Joint European Degree Label could be a game-changer, but only if accompanied by the will of relevant member states' decision makers to further harmonize their higher education systems and progressively remove the many obstacles that European universities face".
“We saw potential in this call to pilot the European Degree label that goes beyond the immediate objectives of this policy initiative and the lifetime of the project. With this powerhouse of a consortium, we hope to bring about tangible progress towards our common aim of making the development and implementation of joint degrees in Europe a less complex and resource-intensive undertaking. We aim to achieve meaningful impact for all types of universities across the European Higher Education Area”.
Over the course of one year, the project consortium will take a comprehensive look at the state of joint programmes, conduct an in-depth mapping exercise on its extensive portfolio, and organise strategic activities both at national and European levels to facilitate an open dialogue between universities and their national/ regional legislators. The consortium aims to gain further insights into the most pressing challenges that exist in the development of joint programmes today and initiate the exchange of best practice at European level. It is this process of mutual learning between stakeholders across Europe that may ultimately lead to the development of transnational strategies to overcome these hurdles.
"This pilot will not only enable the European Universities Initiative to test the European Degree label, it will strengthen collaboration sought by the European Council: collaboration between European Universities, Member States and the European Commission in co-creating the European Education Area of the future. The consortium's vision for the pilot advances collaborative links with Member States that have been established in the Initiative's first three years. Spain, who will hold the European Council Presidency later this year, is a shining example of this collaboration”.