Image of an laptop during an online meeting
15 December 2023

U! Train Ideathon Success: Shaping the Future of the U!Train!

This activity played a pivotal role in creating the non-academic aspects of the upcoming U! Train course, scheduled for departure in September 2024.

Ideathon Highlights: 
  • Innovative thinking: During the Ideathon, students used practical design thinking methods and creative problem-solving to craft inventive solutions for the non-academic segment of the U! Train course.
  • Inter-University connection: The Ideathon served as a platform for collaboration among students from the different Unite! universities, fostering a rich exchange of diverse ideas.  As one participant expressed "I really loved being a part of the event! I am also happy I have made new friends from across the world." 
After five days of intensive collaboration, the jury declared a remarkable outcome—each of the three teams, composed of 20 students from 9 Unite! universities, secured a joint first place! Special mentions were given for outstanding activities that will undoubtedly enhance the U! Train experience: 
Solve the Mystery on Rails! 🔍: Hold onto your seats! The teams came up with an idea for a thrilling murder mystery on the train. An engaging and educational experience awaits as our journey becomes a puzzle! 
Get Ready to Roll! 🚂: Our genius teams brainstormed ways to enhance the U! Train experience with pre-trip preparations and ideas for staying connected even after the journey, such as bringing a gift from your home country, or writing an invitation letter to another participant. Get ready for a journey full of memories that last a lifetime! 
Lights, Camera, Adventure! 🎬: Lights, camera, and a documentary capturing the entire U! Train journey—brilliant! Our teams had the idea to document this adventure in a video format, making learning fun and unforgettable! 🌟 
Talk the World! 🗣️: Spice up the trip with language learning fun! Our teams also suggested inviting local students to join the party. Bonus points for the fantastic idea of a survival French course! 🇫🇷🎉  
 Lyon, Let's Go! 🚂: Lyon takes center stage! The teams want to showcase the Unite! spirit beyond city limits, promoting green mobility and learn about the culture of the region.
A heartfelt thank you to all Ideathon participants, facilitators and jury for your passion, dedication, and commitment to shaping the future of the U! Train course. All the participants of the Ideathon who will apply to the U!Train course have secured their spot.  

More information

For those yet to discover the program—have you heard about the U! Train? An ambitiously exciting Unite! course on green travel, set  to depart in September 2024. Thirty students will embark on a unique multicultural experience, traveling by train from UPC Barcelona to Grenoble INP-UGA, engaging in diverse non-academic activities, team-building exercises, and academic work. The course, including virtual studies before or after the train, is worth 3 credits (ECTS).