Promotiona image of the Unite! Seed Fund project with an image of engineers working in a tunnel
11 June 2024

Unite! teaching initiative focusing on the safety of underground transport infrastructure

This Unite! Seed Fund project aims to fill the gap of learning initiatives about underground transportation within the European academic education and offer a dedicated summer school focusing on the safety of underground transport infrastructure.

Transport infrastructure is the backbone of the European economy. Thus, safety of the infrastructure must be ensured to achieve high availability. Underground transport infrastructure represents a special case in this context but is at the same time under-represented in European academic education. This Seed Fund project aims to fill this gap and offer a dedicated summer school focusing on the safety of underground transport infrastructure. The project team of TU Darmstadt, TU Graz, Politecnico di Torino and Wroclaw Tech comprises experience in automotive, energy and civil engineering as well as in transport safety, thus, representing a unique unity that enables a holistic view on the topic.  

Underground transport infrastructure is particular, as a confined space always poses special challenges. For this reason, an enormous effort has been put into providing safe tunnels, car parks, etc. Also, the transport sector is undergoing major changes in terms of energy sources. In particular, road transport today is still based on fossil fuels, but alternative technologies such as battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and hydrogen-powered vehicles are entering the market. This poses new challenges in terms of road safety. In this context, the
safety of underground transport infrastructures such as tunnels and car parks pose a particular challenge, as escape options are limited, and emergency services are confronted with a confined space. A fire in such a place represents a worst-case scenario with potentially serious consequences for humans and the infrastructure itself. To prevent or mitigate serious consequences, science, industry and administrations need to find solutions to minimise the risk and provide a safe transport infrastructure.  

However, the topic of road safety or tunnel safety is underrepresented in European academic education. For this reason, the project team has decided to
initiate a joint teaching and learning initiative within Unite! – a summer school (3 ECTS) on the topic of "Safety of Underground Transport Infrastructure". The course will be held in person in Darmstadt and in Wroclaw where an on-sight visit of a tunnel under construction is planned. The first days of the summer school will take place virtually, during which lectures will be held and initial information on the project work will be shared. More information on Metacampus.  


“The summer school offers an excellent opportunity for further training in the exciting and highly relevant field of alternative vehicle propulsion systems and safety precautions in road traffic. Through international and interdisciplinary project work, you can not only develop professionally but also personally, meet new people and have fun. The summer school will take place from September 12-27, 2024. Registration is possible at any time. You can find more information about the registration process on the Metacampus”

says Patrick Noone, research assistant at the Department of Mechanical Engineering at TU Darmstadt. 

Practical information about the summer school 

If you are interested in the Summer School, we look forward to receiving your application! Please send an e-mail to the addresses listed below for your respective university. This mail should include a short letter of motivation and a CV.
If you have any questions about the registration process, please feel free to contact the addresses listed. If you are not enrolled at one of the universities listed here, it is still possible to apply. Please send an e-mail with the required documents to: Mr. Patrick Noone - for all other universities - noone@vkm.tu-darmstadt.deYou will receive feedback as soon as possible by email.