7 May 2020
UNITE! : webinar on online student assessment
Since all universities of UNITE! had to move online because of Covid-19, The UNITE! Management Team has decided to launch a webminar series dedicated to online student assessment and evaluation.
Faculties and experts from different universities and different disciplines volunteered to share their experiences and solutions to mutualize knowledge and help teams to face this challenge.
Session 1 - Date: Wednesday, May 20th – 03 : 00 PM
How to go online for my student’s evaluation ? Elements for choosing student’s assessment modalities in distant learning
With : Fanny Poinsotte teacher in physics at Grenoble INP UGA (France) and Sabine Sainte-Rose, International Affairs University Grenoble Alpes
Session 2 - Date: Wednesday, May 27th – 03 : 00 PM
Reapprasing our assessment methods: student engagement and asynchronous tools for formative assessment
With : Elisabet Arnó-Macià, associate professor of technical communication in engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain).
Session 3 - Date: Wednesday, June 3rd – 03 : 00 PM
Advanced learning and (self-)evaluation on caseine.org
With : Nadia Brauner, professor in Computer Science, Université Grenoble Alpes (France).
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More information and connection instructions
Originally published in: https://www.grenoble-inp.fr/en/grenoble-inp/webinar-on-online-student-assessment-2