Recap of the XI Unite! Barcelona Dialogue at UPC
Under the motto "Unite! students: our soul, our core," over 500 participants from the nine Unite! universities gathered at UPC from February 25 to 28 to advance a more connected and innovative European higher education system.
Over the course of four days, the Campus Nord of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona served as the vibrant hub for a series of campus activities, interactive workshops, working sessions, and debates focused on the crucial role of students in shaping the alliance's future.
The Unite! Barcelona Dialogue hosted numerous working sessions for the different Unite! communities, alongside meetings of the alliance's governing bodies and the vice rectors of the member universities.
Some of the standout moments included the PhD contest, where three candidates from each university presented their research in just three minutes. The agenda also featured the U!Talks, presented by students from the nine Unite! universities, who shared reflections, stories, and passions that drive them. The new website of Unite!, was officially presented during the XI Dialogue in Barcelona. The platform offers an improved user experience, features a segmented structure tailored to different audiences and showcases the progress of ongoing projects as well as various training and research catalogues.
A Unite! Street at the UPC Campus Nord
As a lasting reminder of this edition in Barcelona, UPC inaugurated a new street at the UPC Campus Nord named "Unite!" in honour of the strong collaboration with the alliance. Each bench along the street is named after a member university, symbolising the shared values of the alliance: cooperation, innovation, and collaboration for the future of higher education.
On February 27, Rector Daniel Crespo and Vice Rector Lourdes Reig alongside the Unite! community, unveiled the plaque marking the new street name.
As a symbol of our commitment, we inaugurated 'Unite! Street' on our Campus Nord, and we'll gather on the benches dedicated to our Unite! partner universities. And as a small gesture, we encourage you to plant your congress credentials, symbolising the seeds of collaboration we have sown. We hope that, like the plant that will grow from those seeds, your experience here in Barcelona has taken root in your hearts.
Upcoming 12th Unite! Dialogue in Finland
The baton now passes from Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in Barcelona to Aalto University in Espoo, Finland, part of the Greater Helsinki area, where the next Unite! Dialogue will take place from October 6 to 9.
Visit the website for the upcoming Unite! Dialogue at Aalto University (Finland):